English summary
REBUS, a longitudinal population based study initiated in 1968, was a multidisciplinary study from the start and its aim was to assess the presence of disease, disability and need of care or rehabilitation of the population. The cohort was selected in two phases. In the first phase was a stratified randomised selection made from the 500,000 inhabitants of Stockholm area at the time, to participate in a postal survey with questions about their physical and mental health, and social problems. 32,134 persons answered this enquiry.
In a second phase some of these persons were contacted and invited to participate in a physical examination and interview. 3,064 persons participated, and they were selected randomly, but the selection was weighted according to the response of the surveys, in order to present/find enough need of rehabilitation in all age groups.
The examinations were made at Danderyds sjukhus 1969-70 and included examinations by a medical doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist and half of the cohort also by a dentist. They were subjected to laboratory tests, physical tests with EKG, tests of the vision and hearing, and of the lungs, and finally interviewed about their socio-economic conditions.
Parts of the cohort have been re-examined for different research projects in 1977, 1993 and 1996. A part of the dental cohort was reexamined in 1980 and 1990.
Many studies have been made correlating the base line study with the Swedish In-patient Registry and the Cause of Death Registry.